
Hi there, I needed to bulk delete some transactions yesterday at my accountant's office on his computer....I was successfully able to delete most of them, but then I got an error saying that I couldn't delete at the time...try again later. Odd. So then we tried deleting 1 at a time. Still no luck. We noticed that on these same transactions (there are 28 in total) we now also cannot change the category. We decided to drop it and try again the next day (today). So, now I am home, on my network, on my own laptop and am having the same issue. I can delete other transactions, but not these 28. There is nothing special about these 28. They are just regular debits from the grocery store and the like. I have tried different browsers, different computers, different networks, incognito mode....these 28 transactions will not budge. Thoughts? (Image)

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