Hello Wave! I have to share feedback on the new site format. The Account Transaction section is much harder to use now and I don't think that was the intent. For example; 1) The old site allowed for editing a transaction without losing half the screen and I decided when to expand it. 2) In the old site, when you split a transaction, it actually split the transaction. Then you could edit each transaction separately. Now you create sub-transactions to a master transaction. For companies, this does not make sense. If there is 1 deposit that addresses different transaction categories and that is all, then this might work if they don't want to edit the details of the transaction. But, if I want to look at my AR report and cross-reference my invoices with my deposits and I put the Invoice # in the name of each deposit for ease of reference, this can no longer be done as each transaction is not separate. I have other reasons also but it is too long for this comment.

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