
Hi all - I am an accountant with a degree in Business Administration and Accounting from Portland State University. Nobody in my life would peg me as an accountant, I'm all about saying "yes", love having fun and smiling is my favorite. My husband (an attorney) and I have 5 daughters and we live in the suburbs with our 2 pugs and golden retriever. We travel internationally and participate in Olympic Weightlifting Meets and CrossFit competitions. I also am a competitive dressage rider. I am experienced in business consulting / accounting: * Small business startups * Cleanups * Multi-LLC / Multi-Locations * Restaurants/Food industry * Tech * Service * Manufacturing * Becoming 'audit proof' and ready for your Tax CPA (I focus on management accounting/can refer you to tax accountant). I am also available for business consulting for risk management, insurance, business success (SWOT analysis, calendar planning/time management and accountability/coaching towards meeting goals

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Username corinne_t_cook
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