BMO says they won't fix this

As we all know, Wave no longer works with BMO. Their error message says we need to contact our bank. I did so and got this reply:
"I wish to advise that BMO currently has no partnership with Wave. As a result, while it is possible that changes to our security protocols has impacted the ability of this software to connect to our services, we are unable to provide support or information regarding the changes involved. "
I assume this means it's on Wave to fix this. Wave, when will our accounts work again?
We're all having bank connection issues. For me it's RBC. For my wife it's BMO HSBC (USA). The list goes on and on.
Anyway, BMO telling you they don't partner with Wave is technically correct. I'm pretty sure banks partner with 3rd party connection providers like Plaid, Yodlee, etc. Those companies partner with Wave.
This isn't to say we should let Wave off the hook. While bank connections are not completely in their control, Wave is guilty of plenty of other poor and ill thought practices, like making major changes to the software just before tax season, poor UI and UX design (still not fixed), unable to intelligently prioritize deveopment, I could go on and on.
I'll be the first to admit that my accounting experience using Wave these days is nothing like when I fitst starting using the platform years ago. It now borders on being totally miserable and just thinking about using Wave turns me towards the liqor cabinet. My bookkeeper has given up and has stopped taking my calls.
I've given up on bank connections and have gone back to uploading spreadsheets -- many of which need considerable massaging before Wave will import them.
Remember the good ol' days when software used to make life easier?
Has anyone looked into what other options to wave there is that actually have a working bank connection? A paid service is fine as long as it works.
It appears like no matter how many times plaid totally screws up, wave will still continue to be committed to using them. Wave is a fantastic program but if wave management is unable to see what a disaster plaid is then there is really no future in using wave.
Maybe all the unsatisfied people here facing this bank connection problem can pool together resources on what platform to switch to and the smoothest way to change over?
I am so done with plaid and its non stop failures. I suspect I am one of very, very many.
Yes, I'm aware, but when Wave fails to connect Plaid presents an error telling me to talk to my bank. Seems like if Plaid is saying "talk to your bank!" and my bank is saying "we have no interest in this", Wave really ought to discuss the messaging with Plaid.
edit: not that I think Wave will ever talk to Plaid. I assume the CEOs are related or something, otherwise why in hell would Wave want to use such an obviously broken system for its core features.
Pretty sure the team at Plaid have blackmail photos of the Wave CEO in some form of undress. It is the only logical explanation that wave would tarnish themselves by continuing to use Plaid.