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Re: Update on changes coming to Wave Receipts
I really want to stay with Wave. This year I set everything up and even opened a Wave Money business banking account. However, the removal of the in-the-field receipt capture is a 100% deal breaker. I run a landscaping business. My employees need to be able to upload a copy of the receipt right there on the spot to prevent soiling, wrinkling, getting lost or me having to mail it to the bookkeeper. With the current setup, my employees have very limited access to my Wave account. They take a picture of the receipt and then the bookkeeper does the rest. What happens to the actual receipt after that is of no concern. With the new setup, I will have to give them the user name and password to the account. That is not happening. I have signed up for a Quickbooks trial to see if they have what I need. If Wave truly takes the receipts app offline I will be gone from their platform the same day.

Turn off auto categorization
the auto categorization feature is creating more work for me than it is eliminating. How do I disable this feature?

Is it possible to pass any variables to invoice template?
It would be great if we could pass known variables to a customized invoice template.
For example, I have a few folks that I invoice separately for different companies. Rather than just sending with the standard subject line that comes across as something like "Invoice #10 from MY COMPANY", if I could customize that line in the invoice section to be more like "Invoice #{%invoice_number%} for {%customer_company_name%} from {%my_company_name%}...or something like that.
Then, if we can start passing field names, there's no telling how cool we could make invoices and estimates! :-)

Re: Tax Exempted Invoices
So, following up on this comment here. Would be great to be able to mark certain customers as exempt for taxes. Generally the items I bill for are taxable, but there is a number of clients I work with that are tax exempt, and I'd love to not have to worry about unclicked the tax on every line of an estimate. Even better would be for Wave to allow me to upload the tax exemption certificate sent to me by that client, which I need to keep handy for auditing purposes.

Re: Kabbage Checking bank request
I would love to link my Kabbage account, please make this an option soon!
Re: Kabbage Checking bank request
YTD Month to month profit and loss comparison report
I was wondering if you guys can add a report that shows each month (Jan, Feb, Mar, etc) side by side for comparison?
Re: Update on changes coming to Wave Receipts
They are removing the single killer feature of this software. The original Wave guys understood how critically important this feature was, and that's why Receipts had its own mobile app.
From a workflow perspective, the Receipts functionality allows us to quickly upload receipts throughout the month and have them sorted and entered without having to sit down and have a full accounting work session. Then at the end of the month when you're ready to focus on accounting, voila, everything is there waiting to add more detail to, and merge.
Now you're forcing us into accounting work sessions every single time we track receipts? This is the part I can't believe HRB missed. This will completely break Wave and make it unusable. This is no ordinary feature removal ... this will ruin the foundational workflow and user experience for every single customer.
Hey, you have a $0.99 chicken sandwich to expense? Now you have to go home, log in, and enter a full transaction for every single receipt ... repeat this every day for every single thing you want to keep track of. You can spend half your day updating your accounting software now instead of running your business. Great move guys!

Sorting by amount
I've just sat down to do my last quater's accounts. The first time I've really got to use Wave since the update
The ability to sort transactions by amount in acounting has gone! Why would you get rid of this Wave? You can only sort by date now, more or less useless in ths context.
The best way I found to go through my accounts is to enter and confirm the receipts, then go into acounting, constraing the view to one month, SORT BY AMOUNT, then go through and merge and confirm all the transactions of the same value, which takes seconds because they are all on consecutive rows. I often have receipts or bills that aren't on the same date as the expendiature.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring back the sorting options other than by date, it's crazy! I'm finding the new interface very slow to work with so far, largely due to the lack of sorting options. This also means mistakes are much more likely to happen. Or receipts and transactions not being assigned to one another correctly. 40 minutes so far and O've only got through about 5 transactions. I would have done the whole quater by now in the previous version, at this rate it's going to take me weeks!
Re: any way to add a dynamic month field on the invoice for when work was conducted?
Just wanted to voice support for this addition! I have spent the last couple days trying to come up with a way to add it, it seems like such a basic need for so many of us. I do appreciate the software and hope this could be added in the future!