Kabbage Checking bank request

I'm looking to send in a request to add Kabbage Business Checking to your list of banks and I don't see how to do so in the Connected Accounts tab. I can search for "Kabbage" and nothing turns up and I don't see any links to submit a request. It's an American Express company.
I agree, I need a Kabbage connection
I also need to know what to put in for a Kabbage Connection. It is an American Express Company but their checking account is with Green Dot Bank. Trying to connect through American Express failed, and Green Dot Bank only have a Prepaid Debit Card option.
Please add Kabbage and small business bank.
Ditto. Please add Kabbage ASAP please!!!!
Same here. Need to add Kabbage connection!
Another vote for the Kabbage connection!
+1 Please add Kabbage connection!
I would love to link my Kabbage account, please make this an option soon!
Please add Kabbage accounts to your list of supported banks!
Please add support for Kabbage Business Checking. Their checking accounts are hosted by Green Dot Bank.
Plus one on this thread - please add Kabbage integration!
+1 Kabbage support is needed!
+1 for Kabbage, can we please get with the program already?
+1 for Kabbage, what's the hold up?!?!