Everything gone - too long away?

Briella83Briella83 Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

All of my data seems to be gone. I haven't logged in in a few years, is it possible it was purged?


  • Gerry CartelliGerry Cartelli Member Posts: 2

    To my knowledge, Wave doesn't have a time limit. Or, your account data isn't purged from their servers no matter how long you go without using it. Not sure if someone from their team can jump in to confirm.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0

    this happened to me at one point. or, I thought that it did. in fact, i typo'd my login and found myself with a new account. honestly, I figure a small icon or notification on the new user screen like "seem wrong to you?" would be helpful, regardless... I recommend double-checking your address for typos or searching your inbox to see if you initially registered using another address.

  • BrianBrian Member Posts: 6 admin

    Confirming that there's no age limit on accounts. Email typos are pretty common. Just to be safe, drop me a line at security@waveapps.com from the address you login with and I'll check up on your account.

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