TD Bank transactions are not importing

I have been having problem importing my TD Bank transactions since yesterday. The connection of the bank seems fine and connected, but there are no transactions shown in my Wave. Does it take up to 7 days as the robot chat says? Thanks in advance.
Hey @kangtee it seems transaction imports for TD Bank integration is currently down:
If transactions are still not importing after an extended period of time, I recommend reaching out to our support team for further investigation. In the mean time, you can still bulk import your TD Bank transactions manually by with these methods below:
Upload bank and credit card statements
Wave Connect: Easily import and export data with Wave's Google Sheets add-on
I already deleted my account with Wave because Wave is not HIPAA compliant. Thanks anyway!
I have been able to connect the same account through a "new" connection using valid credentials , yet I cannot "reconnect" the existing account in my system with the those same credentials.
I am afraid I'll muck up all the work I've done if I start impoting transactions from the new connection.
Is there some kind of change at TD that caused old business accounts to disconnect?
If I have to delete the old nonworking account and import with the new account then I'll lose all of my reconciliation and invoices and stuff I think . Please advise.
Hey @MRFortier !
If you delete an existing bank connection, it will not delete any previous imported data. Also, when connecting your bank for automatic transaction imports, you will have the option to select a specific date to resume transaction imports to prevent duplicates from importing.
To clarify, do you have duplicate bank connections on your Chart of Accounts page by chance? If so, please let me know and I will gladly assist you further.
I am not able to import TD Transactions since Feb 12. I have severed and re-connected the account multiple times. Does anyone have any idea when this will be resolved?
Hey @Domdabomb , it looks like an agent on our Support team got back to you over email about your issue with your bank connection. If you do have any further questions, don't hesitate to get back in touch with them!
TD Bank transactions have stopped importing after April 12, 2021.
Please look into this.
Hi @sanjeevj I'm so sorry to hear about the troubles you've experienced with your connected TD account. The average timeline of transaction imports can range from 2-7 days.
After taking a look into the status of TD, it looks like they are reporting some known delays in transaction imports due to server repairs. At this time, I'm afraid that there is no ETA on when specifically this will be completed. Please refer to this article from our Help Center on common reasons why transactions are not importing.
It is working now.
Hello, I have been using Wave App last couple of months with no problem. Wave App appears to stop importing TD Bank transactions since Dec 10 and today is Dec 17. Please help.
We just started having this issue. After 6 months of flawless importing, the connection to our two TD Bank accounts has just stopped working. Nothing has imported in the last 2 weeks despite new transactions being visible on our online TD accounts webpage. I've tried disconnecting/reconnecting and deleting/adding connections to no avail. Any help you can offer?
Hi I tried creating my own post about this happening to me as well - but I haven't heard back from anyone. My TD Bank transactions have not updated for over a month now making the use of Wave nearly moot. I've tried using the chatbot to no avail. As far as I understand it I should have access to live chat since I use Wave Payments - but have constantly been told by the bot that, "Support from a human agent is included for customers using Wave Payments, Payroll, or Money." and then "Support is self-serve for customers using only our free Invoicing and Accounting software." I contacted my bank to see if there were any updates that may have created problems with Plaid - that didn't seem to be the case. I checked my accounts and they are all connected, I do not want to do manual data entry, nor do I want to disconnect/re-connect. This is not the first time this has happened. The last time it lasted for weeks and I did the disconnect/reconnect process and it created a huge pain with duplicate transactions and mis-marked entries - big headache. I understand the 2 - 7 day lag - but 4 weeks is unacceptable... It is also very frustrating that I cannot get ahold of any human support. I understand the policy - its free software, and self serve help is the tradeoff but I am a Payments customer and still unable to find the support I need. I'm tired of the wait and see approach. Wave is a good program for small business, but I've found the support abysmal and the quirks frustrating. Is there anyone that can assist with this issue? Has anyone else had these issues on the regular? More to the point - if I can't depend on Wave, I'll need to move on. If the only answer to my problem is Wait-N-See or follow the chatbot's recommendations, can anyone recommend another program that allows for the management of both biz and personal accounting? Thank you for taking the time to read and assist!! Kind regards - rock