Automatic Categorization

diiianediiiane Member Posts: 1

Does this work retroactively? Or only for transactions after I categorize? Is there a way to apply the category to all similar transactions?


  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    You can do bulk categorization by using the search feature on the transaction page. So for example if you want to categorize all Amazon as office supplies then add amazon to your search and only transactions with the word amazon will be returned. From there click select all and edit, then categorize all to office.

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hi @diiiane !

    Our auto-cat feature doesn't currently work retroactively for transactions that have already been imported. It's only categorising new transactions as they are imported from your bank. However, you don't have to have already categorised them yourself for the auto-cat feature to work!

    As @Mikeg mentioned above, you can use the bulk categorisation feature to edit all similar transactions so that their categories are the same. Once you've selected them all and clicked "Edit", select Category in the "Change..." box, and the specific category in the "To..." box. Once you click "Apply", you're done!

    If you choose to re-categorise these transactions, Wave will learn from this, and apply the more relevant category next time it imports similar transactions. 😊

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