Improve link between Profit & Loss report and associate transactions.

nhinzenhinze Member Posts: 2

In the Profit & Loss report, you can click on the little icon by an account name to see the associated transactions. However, the resulting report does keep the date range and report type that was initially selected. I have to adjust the report type and date range manually every time.

My Profit & Loss header

The resulting header in Account Transactions

edited February 5, 2021 in Accounting Technical Support


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @nhinze , the thought is that you're viewing that report FROM your Profit & Loss, thus viewing it with the need to check that date range which is why we it's kept even when switching reports.

    If you'd like to be able to switch between accounts freely without specific date range sticking, check out the Account Transactions Report and try filtering for the account you're looking for.

  • nhinzenhinze Member Posts: 2

    I'm sorry. I have a typo. The date and account DO NOT stick. I would like them to stick.

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