Imported CSV Items Not Showing

MarcBMarcB Member Posts: 2

I've been doing CSV imports on a regular basis without issues and understand how they work. However, this morning, I did an import which said it completed successfully, and yet the transactions are nowhere to be found (regardless of filtering or searching). When I tried to import the same file a second time, it said duplicate transactions were found (which I aborted). It seems they are present in the data, but can't be seen. How can I fix this problem?


  • MarcBMarcB Member Posts: 2

    Update: So I went ahead and reimported even though it said duplicate transactions. The new transactions are showing, but the duplicates aren't seen anywhere. Very weird. Don't like phantom transactions that may one day pop-up and change things (fortunately, it's only a few of them, but still).

    So, the fact that there might be something not posted still concerns me.

    (Using latest Chrome and tried in an incognito window as well with same results).

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @MarcB !

    It sounds like there was an error with your first upload, which meant the transactions weren't actually posted, but to Wave it appears that they were. I checked on the back end, and it doesn't look like there are any un-posted transactions still processing from the first upload attempt, so you shouldn't get any phantom duplicates popping up!

    If you do get duplicates, please either Merge them, or Delete one of them. This article can show you how!

    If this happens again, please reach out to us via email so we can troubleshoot further 😊

    edited February 11, 2021
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