
Customer Import - Wave Connect - Spinning

BerkeleySqSubBerkeleySqSub Member Posts: 1

I am attempting to switch from QB for Mac to Wave, and would like to import as much data as possible without retyping it. I have authorized Wave Connect and successfully validated the customer data, however when I click the "Upload Customers" data in Step 3, Google Sheets just shows the three bars as though it is uploading the data. I am only importing 53 customers.

I have a tried several browsers (chrome, brave, and firefox), and have tried each of them in regular mode and incognito - all to no avail.

Does any one have any suggestions on how to get these features to work? It's a bummer the CSV import is no longer active.


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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hello @BerkeleySqSub,

    If you have connected Wave Connect to your Wave Account and the Validate step works, then you're super-close!

    The Validate step checks for all kinds of problems that we've seen before with data imports. The fact your data is Validating but not Uploading suggests there's something unique about your data that our Validation rules don't check for but that's actually a problem.

    If you're OK sharing the sheet that you are trying to upload, feel free to reach out to my via direct message and I'll give you instructions to share your data to a suitable address.


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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Updating the community here.

    Working with @BerkeleySqSub, we identified the issue was Account Number entries that exceed a limit of 20 characters.

    Wave Connect is not currently validating on Account Number field length. We will add a validation for that in due course.

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    JJillJJill Member Posts: 2

    I have the same issue with only 37 customers. It's been "uploading" for over an hour. What is the issue? I have no account numbers.

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    KieronBKieronB Member Posts: 20 admin

    Hi @JJill
    Are you still having trouble with Wave Connect? If you're OK with sharing the sheet that you're trying to upload, please send me a direct message and I can help investigate the problem.

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