
Managing Multiple Users on Receipt Mobile App

VV_AdminVV_Admin Member Posts: 3

My company has multiple employees who use company credit cards. How can I set them up so individual employees can upload receipts with their phones without being primary users. I do not want them to have access to the account.

Example: Mary is the primary adminstrator of the Wave account. John is a credit card holder. Mary wants john to go to a store and make a purchase and afterwards upload the receipt into Wave. But, Mary does not want John to be able to view the company information in Wave.


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    NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    Hey @VV_Admin there isn't a specific user permission setting that allows users to only have access to upload receipts. There's an alternative that I've suggested to other users in the past and it seems to work for their needs. This is entirely a suggestion and only if you're comfortable with doing this:

    Have your employees install the receipts app on their phones, and then you can take a moment to enter your own Wave account login details for the receipts app. Then, as long as they leave themselves logged into the account, they'll be able to use the receipts app to post their credit card expenses to accounting. Since they don't actually know your login details, they can't access your Wave account on the web version and they're limited to only using the receipts app (and will not have access to the data on your Wave account).

    This workaround may not be the most elegant, but merely a suggestion!

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