Company logo NOT uploading on Samsung Tablet A

In the Wave Invoicing app on my Samsung Tablet A, I am trying to customize my invoices by adding a clearer PNG of my company logo. After pressing "UPLOAD" in the company logo upload page, I get offered to choose gallery or Google photos, I choose my Gallery, locate the logo, although after I press it, I immediately get looped back to the company logo upload page with no further responses.
I've had it on my invoices once before, sized at 157.36KB 1990X1175
but removed it after a revision to clear it up. Now it's 325.51KB 3140x1187. Even though the recommended size is 300 x 200 pixels, (which is ridiculously small in my opinion), the company logo upload page says maximum size 5 MB and my logo isn't even half that.
Any help would be appreciated!
Hey @Onesimus_45116 , it sounds like this may be an issue with the invoicing app itself. I'd be more than happy to pass this on to our Engineering team to take a look, but in the meantime I would recommend uploading your logo to your business through Wave on your computer. To do so, you can navigate to Settings > invoice Customization and upload your logo there.