Had existing Acct for Bank Account and then later connected to Bank account

WJBlevinsWJBlevins Member Posts: 2

When I started using Wave I didn't connect my bank account to automatically download. My bank account had an ending balance for 2019. In 2020 I connected electronically to my bank account. Wave created a NEW wave account to hold those transactions. That account has a starting balance equal to the 2019 ending balance of the original wave account I created. However, the original wave account still has that balance. How can I zero out the old account?


  • WJBlevinsWJBlevins Member Posts: 2

    Deleted comment

    edited March 1, 2021
  • KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi @WJBlevins , whenever a bank connection is made, Wave will create a new account in the Chart of Accounts for importing into. To consolidate your accounts in Wave, you will first need to remove all transactions in the old account from Accounting > Transactions. Filter for your old account in the Transactions page using the dropdown menu at the top, labelled Account. If you need to keep those transactions you may Select All and Edit the Account to be the new account. Otherwise, if you no do not need to keep these transactions, you may Select All and Delete them.

    Once you've removed all the transactions from the old account, head to Accounting > Chart of Accounts and click the pencil icon next to your old account. Use the Archive Account option and hit Save. This should make the account disappear completely from Wave as long as there are no associated transactions.

    If you need help bulk deleting/editing your transactions, you can check out this Help Center article here.

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