Add two currencies to invoice

AlphaCargoAlphaCargo Member Posts: 1

Hi, some of our clients pays in euros and some of them in pounds. Is there any chance to add two currencies in Invoice? I just want to add one more line: "Amount due GBP"

See photo attached what I mean.

Thank you.


  • KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi @AlphaCargo , at this time, Wave does not have a feature which allows you to show more than one currency on a single invoice. That being said, I appreciate you reaching out and letting us know that this is something that would be helpful to you. I have moved your post to the Feature Ideas forum so that our Developers are able to see your idea and other users who support this idea as well. Please feel free to tell us more about how this feature would be useful for you!

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