REPORTS are incorrect -- Transactions are transposed in 2 accounts in WAVE

I have 2 separate accounts within Wave. When I run year end P&L reports, some income items from Account 1 (Compass) are reflected in Account 2 (Mann). When I drill into the details, all transactions are correctly categorized and reflect the proper account.
- I've reviewed all transactions
- I've reconciled all accounts
- I've confirmed that each account is connected to the correct bank account
See attached screenshots.
Account 2 P&L (Mann)
When I look at uncategorized income for this account on this P&L, I see transactions clearly associated with the other account (Compass)
For example:
Why are the details within the P&L showing transactions from both of my business accounts? There's no pattern -- it does not show all transactions from both accounts. So in the P&L for Mann account, it shows transactions from Mann, but also from Compass, and vice versa.
Hey @CompassMann , it looks like you were able to get this resolved over ticket with one of our agents. We thank you for your patience and I'm happy you were able to get this working on your end!