Sort account list

joshbrucejoshbruce Member Posts: 17


I have multiple banks with multiple sub-accounts.

I'm wondering if there's a way (or would like to request a way) to sort accounts for the purposes of the transactions filter dropdown??

Short list:

  • savings
  • secondary savings
  • checking
  • 12x savings accounts (one for each month

Right now the list is kinda all over the place. Like April and August come after a certificate of deposit I have - all three come before checking. Checking comes before cash on hand, which comes before December, followed by my secondary savings account.

Would like to be able to sort any way I choose.

Sorry if this is mentioned somewhere else and if there's a way to do I'm just missing.


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @joshbruce !

    I'm afraid that Wave does not support account sorting for the transactions dropdown menu within this version of our software. For full transparency, we don't have plans on building this out on our current product road map and we don't have an ETA available for when or if this feature will ever be implemented. With that being said, we are not dismissing your feedback and we appreciate you bring this to our attention as we often revisit feature ideas. Sorry for the inconvenience!

  • joshbrucejoshbruce Member Posts: 17
    In case others wind up here: It looks like the sorting is done alphabetically. As long as the account is not system generated, they can be renamed in the chart of accounts view..

    Therefore, you can control the order by renaming them something different. Even just prefixing with a letter, number, or symbol would do.
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