Quebec Payroll

WastapWastap Member Posts: 10

I know this is not available.

Should employees setup as vendors and each deduction an invoice row?
Any recommendation?

PS: When is Quebec Payroll expected?


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Wastap !

    Employees with have to be set up under Payroll > Employees in the left navigation menu. As you may know, if you are located in Quebec, Wave will not be able to support your business for payroll I'm afraid. At this time, Wave has no plans on our current product road map to build out our payroll feature to support Quebec users due to the complexity of Quebec payroll tax laws. Sorry about this.

  • WastapWastap Member Posts: 10

    As I said in my post:
    1-I know this is not available.
    2-Should employees setup as vendors and each deduction an invoice row?
    Any recommendation?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Wastap !

    It sounds like you are looking to record your employees as vendors in Wave as a workaround. I personally don't recommend this as this functionality is specifically for vendors and contractors. Perhaps a different payroll software will be better suited for your needs?

    edited March 19, 2021
  • WastapWastap Member Posts: 10

    Yes, we could use an external payroll software, yet how would these entries be imported in our accounting. By General Ledger?

  • KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi @Wastap , to import transactions into Wave, I would recommend using Wave Connect. Wave connect is our free Google Sheets Add-On which allows you to easily upload or download data to or from your Wave account. For more information, check out this Help Centre article here: Wave Connect.

  • AyanaMussAyanaMuss Member Posts: 1

    I understand that Wave does not handle Quebec Payroll. However I have a Quebec Employee that teleworks to our business in Nova Scotia, and per legislation follows employment rules for Nova Scotia, and pays Fed Tax, Nova Scotia Prov. Tax, and CPP as deductions.

    When the Work Location is set to "Employee always works at the business location" The province for the business locations should be selected, not the location of the employee, which causes the error if the employee lives in Quebec.

    I have temporary set the address of the employee to my business location, as a work around for this bug, until Wave fixes this. Just mean's I need to do the T4 manually with the proper Quebec address in February.

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