
Bookkeeper can't see transactions

countylinecountyline Member Posts: 13

I added a bookkeeper in Wave but they cannot see any of the imported transactions or account histories. Also their Chart of Accounts has just the default entries and they don't have any of the custom entries I added.
They need to be able to see all the account balances and imported transactions so they can reconcile, etc.
How do I get them to have that view?



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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hello @countyline !

    Are you sure you invited your bookkeeper to your business correctly? To make sure, I broke down the appropriate steps below:

    1. Header over to Settings > Users in the left navigation menu.
    2. Out of the five invitation options, select Editor.
    3. Enter your bookkeepers information and press Invite User.

    Once they receive your invitation and complete the steps included, they will be able to select your business by pressing the Wave logo in the top left corner of their Wave account. As an "Editor" your bookkeeper will have the following permissions granted:

    We also have a great guide you can check out here.

    If your bookkeeper was invited correctly and the issue persists, I suggest they try some browser troubleshooting steps.

    I hope this helps!

    edited March 12, 2021
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    countylinecountyline Member Posts: 13

    We figured it out.
    When a user is invited to Wave and they log in they see the "Personal" view (for us this is empty).
    Once they switch to the business view they see all the transactions etc.

    For anyone with the same issue this is done by clicking on the button in the top left corner and click the business name to move the check mark to beside it

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