
Understanding prior integration with Shopify

JennyKayJennyKay Member Posts: 2

I am new to Wave and being a small business owner. I run a Shopify site and last year used the Wave integration to Shopify. I now realize I do not understand exactly how that integration worked with the multiple accounts and that my sales from 2020 have been recorded twice. Is there a way for me to learn how the integration was set up so I may clean up my accy? Thank you.


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    StepanStepan Member Posts: 9 admin

    The integration is turned off at the moment.
    You can manually select duplicated transactions and delete them on the Wave transaction page.

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    JennyKayJennyKay Member Posts: 2

    Yes, I understand the integration is turned off. But as I am reviewing my 2020 records, I don't exactly understand how the integration worked. I am just seeking understanding. It seems the duplicate records are those imported from my bank account. Perhaps there is guidance on how I should categorize the bank transactions? I hesitate to just delete at this point. I appreciate your help.

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    KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi @JennyKay , the previous Shopify integration worked to automatically import your transaction data from Shopify to your Wave account. For example, any payments you received through Shopify and had paid out to your bank account would have been imported to Wave through the integration. The duplicate transactions you see are a result of the integration importing transactions in addition to your connected bank account importing the same transactions. To resolve this, you will need to delete the duplicate transactions. If you need help bulk deleting your transactions, you can check out this Help Center article.

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