Shouldn't "owner's draw/investment" expenses between personal and business accounts be synced?

Alex0000Alex0000 Member Posts: 3

So the transfers between my two accounts are "synced", but the expenses are not. I made one personal expense at Sam's by accident on my business card, and I paid for a bunch of business expenses with my personal card.

I guess what I want is for the owners draw/investment on my personal account to be added to the report on my business account, plus the Sam's purchase. Anyone know how to do this??


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Alex0000 !

    When you pay for a personal expense with business funds or vice versa, you'll bookkeep those transactions to your Owner Investment/Drawing in both your personal and business accounts to. For a bit more context, we actually have a great Help Center guide that goes over the appropriate use of the Owner Investment/Drawings account. If you'd like to take a look, click here.

    edited March 22, 2021
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