US - Sales Tax Calculating Incorrectly

RW_DFARW_DFA Member Posts: 2

I recently created a sales tax, and I added it to my invoice. However, it is dramatically under calculating the amount of tax that I need to collect. I didn't notice it on the first 2 invoices, and it cost me several thousand dollars of uncollected sales tax that I had to pay out of my own pocket.

I have 2 items:
Item 1 - $4,300.00
Item 2 - $1,009.38

State sales tax is 8.625%, so my tax SHOULD be $457.93
However, wave is calculating my tax due as $87.06

My tax is set as:
"Show tax number on invoices" - Checked
"This Tax is recoverable" - Checked
"Current tax rate (%)" - 8.6250
Effective Date - January 1, 1900

I created a second tax that is exactly the same, and applied that, but it made no difference in the calculation.

Will really appreciate some help here.


  • RW_DFARW_DFA Member Posts: 2

    Apparently it has to be applied on an item-by-item basis. I just looked for it at the bottom of the invoice like you would typically see on a receipt from a store.
    Hopefully this will help someone else in the future. Best of luck.

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