
How do I delete a credit card account

TawniaKTawniaK Member Posts: 2

Hi, I'm new to Wave and accidentally added 2 credit card accounts that I don't use. I have several accounts with this bank so don't want to delete the bank. There are no transactions imported for these cards and I have the toggle off for both but they are still showing under transactions, credit cards list. Can I delete them?


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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @TawniaK !

    If you connected your bank for automatic transaction imports on your Connected Accounts page, this will populateall of your accounts that you have open with your bank. If you don't plan on using certain accounts for imports, you'll simply have to toggle them "off". It sounds like you already did this which is great. If the 2 credit card accounts in question are appearing on your Chart of Accounts page and they have no transactions tied to them in Wave, you can head over to your Accounting > Chart of Accounts page and archive them. This will remove them completely. Otherwise, if there are transactions tied to them, these accounts will appear as "archived" and will remain in your account. I hope this helps!

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    TawniaKTawniaK Member Posts: 2

    Thanks so much as I didn't want to have them clutter up my drop down. The bigger issue is that Wave brought in 2 credit card accounts that don't exist/aren't mine, these are the 2 I wanted to remove and have archived. I talked to my bank and they said they don't see these accounts anywhere so the issue is on the Wave end. Unfortunately, Wave did not bring in the actual credit card account that I use with this same bank. Any idea on how to resolve that? To give more info, most of my accounts, including this credit card are all with my credit union. When I was with QB it did add this card to my accounts. What do I do when Wave doesn't "find" the credit card I need? Thanks for your help!

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @TawniaK , I see that you've submitted a ticket to our Support team for them to get back to you via email. I'm going to leave this one with them because they'll be able to dig into the details of your connection and why it's not functioning the way it should. Thanks for your patience until they get back to you!

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