Transfers to - not linking together

SabineSabine Member Posts: 13

I have a couple of transactions that are transfers from one account to another. I can see both of them listed but when I try to use the transfer to Category it doesn't recognize that transaction.
How I can link them together?


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Sabine !

    To better explain how to record a transfer in Wave, I will use an example using 2 accounts: Account A and Account B.

    If you want to move your funds from Account A to Account B, you will need to record an income transaction in Account B. This will increase Account B's balance. Now, to tie this transaction to Account A, you will need to categorize the Account B income transaction as a "Transfer from Bank, Credit Card, or Loan" and select "Account A" from the available accounts. Once this category is selected, Wave will automatically generate a transfer expense transaction. This will decrease the balance of Account A ultimately balancing your books. For more information feel free to check out this Help Center article.

    edited March 31, 2021
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