multiple Credit card accounts

JROBooksJROBooks Member Posts: 5

Hey guys how does one setup multiple credit card users under a single parent account? One Amex account.. 3 users with different cards. is there a sub account feature?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @JROBooks , I'm afraid that we don't have a sub-account or labeling feature. To fully understand your workflow, the account is the same but the cards are different? All transactions would then be flowing through the same account and into your Wave account, yeah? Can you explain how you use this so we can provide some further context to our Product teams for future iterations of the software? Thanks!

  • JROBooksJROBooks Member Posts: 5

    I actually don't need it after all. The transactions flow through in one report, but represents 3 cards. I have been wasting my time doing it the other way apparently! Thanks!

    edited April 5, 2021
  • CameronCameron Member Posts: 32

    @JROBooks Just curious, did you set that up through the "Liabilities > Credit Cards" in Chart of Accounts?

    For example, Credit Card Payable?

    edited April 8, 2021
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