Viewing Report Years Prior to Auto Bank Imports

KCincKCinc Member Posts: 1

Hello, I'm looking for information and tips as to how I can see reports from periods prior to the auto imported bank transactions. The years dropdown in the reports section only includes years that were auto imported.

I've already changed the date on the Starting Balance to correspond with the actual date the business was opened, and manually entered all the transactions up to the date that the auto import started. I have also reconciled the bank statements for all 2018 months, but the first year that comes up in the reports dropdown is still 2019.


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @KCinc , so just to confirm, you have all of your historical data entered into Wave as individual transactions (2018 for example) but you're just not seeing the option to access it in reports? Can you give me an example of a report that you're looking at where this is happening? Also, can you confirm that you're looking at the right bank account? If the 2018 info is in a different account than you've filtered for, it won't show any years prior to 2019 for example.

    Let us know!

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