
Does Wave support multiple pay periods

countylinecountyline Member Posts: 13


I have employees that require different pay periods e.g. one gets paid on the last day of the month for the hours they worked that month and one gets paid on the first of the month for the hours they will work that coming month.

On the 'approve payroll' page it looks like i can only have one pay period and one pay day for all employees regardless of their work schedules.

Is it possible to have multiple pay periods that align with different work schedules?




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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @countyline !

    I'm afraid that Wave does not support multiple pay periods at this time. If you'd like to pay your employees through Wave, they will have to be paid on the same date and frequency. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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