Financial year end procedures

Accounts123Accounts123 Member Posts: 1

Hi i read through the community posted that Wave do not have any financial year end procedures. Howeve, my system's financial year end is set at December but the P&L accounts have brought forward numbers from prior financial years. How do I set the system to zero it?


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Accounts123 !

    Wave automatically sets your fiscal year-end to December 31st. If your looking to change your fiscal year-end, you can do so by heading over to Settings > Accounting > Dates & Currency. If you make a change, this will be applied to your reports as well. Feel free to check out this Help Center article for more information: How to change your fiscal year-end.

    edited April 5, 2021
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