
An enhanced Receipts experience



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    WeskWesk Member Posts: 1
    Pretty disappointing. Like many others, this was a main reason I started using Wave.
    This will only result in more time spent on accounting and less time spent on my business.
    More manual, less automation. Seems like a big step backwards in 2021.
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    Robert12Robert12 Member Posts: 1

    Another step backwards. If this was unified in the mobile app (along with estimates) and OCR support you'd have me forever.

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    keenatolentinokeenatolentino Member Posts: 2

    This absolutely doesn't make any sense, and just like what a fellow user says - it's like you guys are moving backwards. I manage the credit card transactions of a construction team and my field guys have been using the Receipts app for uploading their receipts for materials purchased on their corporate cards. These guys have been using the app for over 2 years and the simple process of clicking on an app on their phone and snapping a picture and putting in details and submitting to accounting have worked perfect for them as it is not time-consuming and DOES NOT require any extra steps/navigation to get to a certain window. My field guys are busy enough on the job site and don't have the time to go to a browser on their phone and type in waveapps.com and then log in and then click on Transactions and then Receipts and then Upload Receipt. That is so time consuming as compared to the Receipts app where everything was straightforward. This is ABSOLUTELY horrible and would now require me to re-train all my field guys on how to upload a receipt again now.

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    GlennFGlennF Member Posts: 30 ✭✭

    This is a TERRIBLE idea and taking many steps backwards! Simply taking a pic and letting the OCR pull information is a time saver and enhances work flow. By making this change, this ADDS many steps to the workflow!
    If someone has their bank account attached, then they can simply attach receipts manually and not use the receipts capability. There is no need to take away the current receipts and mobile apps.
    All Wave has to do is add "add attachment" button to the transaction for those people with bank accounts attached.

    edited March 31, 2021
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    johnkimhvacjohnkimhvac Member Posts: 8
    Dont waist your technical team.
    Better to fixing, auto import bank transactions, since 2020, there is not work auto import function. Please fix this first
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    TobiasTobias Member Posts: 2

    This sounds terrible! When I've just made a purchase and have the receipt in my hand, the transaction is still days away from being created/imported from my bank account. It was amazing that I could still take the picture and have the OCR work immediately to capture all the relevant info. Merging them later was always very simple.

    The fact that you're trying to sell this as "Good news!" and "An awesome new experience" while taking away functionality that so many depend on really makes it seem like you're out of touch with what your users want. If this is about the OCR fees I'd be willing to pay a few bucks a month for a premium plan that added the existing receipts functionality!

    edited March 31, 2021
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    erikreederikreed Member Posts: 1

    Adding another vote that this feels like a step backwards. I used to pay for Expensify and canceled because the Wave receipts integration was so slick. Not a deal-breaker but it's unfortunate to lose that great functionality.

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    MasterCourseMasterCourse Member Posts: 3
    Waveapps the reciept scan feature is the main reason I went with you and the #1 reason I have recommended others to you. I will now have to find another accounting platform. Disappointing change and now this change will be the #1 reason I will recommend people NOT to use you.
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    mhs0mhs0 Member Posts: 1
    :( We need both. I’m with a lot of the others here - without the email OCR feature, wave’s appeal pretty much disappears. Too bad - bad decision.
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    tmotherwelltmotherwell Member Posts: 1

    This is a terrible change and adds HOURS to the bookkeeping I need to do each month. Having the ability to auto-generate a transaction from a receipt saves SO MUCH time, and eliminates the need to match up receipt images with transactions after the fact. I am considering switching to a paid competitor, as this is THE feature I use every single month. If other users are having issues with duplicate transactions, let them turn it off instead of railroading all of us.

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    KoolmeleeKoolmelee Member Posts: 1
    Automating receipt to transaction was main reason I used this app for tracking property expense, health expenses and such for tax purposes. I don't see any reason to keep using if I have to manually enter transactions now. It'll be faster to throw the year's receipt into a box and go through them at end of year.
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    J_Simmen123J_Simmen123 Member Posts: 1
    what???? this was the main reason i was using wave. why would you take this feature away? and who was asking for you to get rid of this feature? i’m so confused.... merging duplicate transactions was SUPER easy. now we have to manually enter receipts? or keep the receipts or photos of receipts in our phone until transactions upload? what a bad decision, i really hope you reconsider and give people an option to attach a receipt if that’s how they want to do it.... having the ability to take a picture of a receipt and not think about it was incredible and now i’m going to have to change accounting softwares
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    bwilsplurbwilsplur Member Posts: 3

    So in other words you want to save money by not having to pay for the app hosting and OCR? Cause you could just add the function to attach a receipt file to transactions for the people who primarily use the connected account function for them to bypass the app. The primary reason I started using Wave was so I could just take a picture or upload my receipt and verify the info once processed and let Wave handle the transaction accounting. I continued to use Wave for all of my accounting because it made that process so easy. If I have to manually enter the transaction, info, and upload a copy of the receipt I might as well use a spreadsheet and image folder on drive, or (better yet) switch to an accounting program that has a similar receipt scanning function. Ill gladly pay for the receipt app function elsewhere. Also your mobile website is glitchy and way less accessible, so maybe fix that before pinching pennies and cutting key functions elsewhere.

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    alexk_alexk_ Member Posts: 4

    First you removed email processing of receipts, now image/pdf processing is being removed. Looks like you are just creating more work for entrepreneurs and business owners. I would be willing to pay for a feature like this, however it just seems like I am not the target customer for Wave.

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    TjnholmesTjnholmes Member Posts: 3

    I chose Wave years ago for the app functionality and was preparing to move three other businesses from Sage to Wave simply because of the app. Literally no one asked you to get rid of it. They asked you to deal with duplicates. This is a poor business move and I think you will find some regret once you see a loss of customers.

    edited April 5, 2021
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    plutekplutek Member Posts: 20

    well, i started here by upvoting and awesoming all the existing comments of dismay about this loss of functionality, but there are so many that i'll just add my voice to the fray!

    the ability to create a transaction from a receipt using OCR is one of the major reasons why i chose WAVE. as a touring musician, this functionality is unbeatable for dealing with receipts while on the road... sure, i have to go through the transactions and do minor edits, but it's way better than having to manually create the transactions and then attach a separately-photographed receipt. the current functionality lets me get receipts basically dealt with in realtime, and usually gets the transaction creations very close to perfect.

    i don't link to my bank account, and will never do so; this feels like an attempt to coerce me into doing that, in order to try to mitigate this enforced cumbersome receipt-processing method.

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    jacksunweijacksunwei Member Posts: 2
    Oh no! The ocr and the ability of uploading receipts were the primary reason to choose wave. This is making it no difference to quickbooks.... I don't want to wait for days for syncing with bank before uploading receipts. That's so terrible experience.
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    RiswanRiswan Member Posts: 1
    Disappointed- please re consider

    This is the one major feature as a small business owner I use most

    Will you please re consider keeping this feature? I am willing to pay for this feature

    Please give us an option at least

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    Cap10swench_Cap10swench_ Member Posts: 1

    I will have to agree with the majority of posters here. Whether you have a small business or large business, the receipts app most definitly made things much easier. All reciepts in one spot so that you can work with them when time permitted. Instantly saving those receipts easily so you didn't have to worry about losing them. And the OCR was beautiful. Every keystroke that I don't have to make in my life is a joy. You took that away. Not sure of my plan for now. But definitly disappointed.

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    Swannsonnite_1031Swannsonnite_1031 Member Posts: 1
    Why, why, why would you guys do this?! This is the best feature of your system! I hate to hear this and we will likely have to use a different service. Our business relies so much on the ability to transmit receipts easily and my ability to merge those with transactions.
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    bwzbwz Member Posts: 1


    Whoever made this decision and approved the wording (or should I say spin) of this blog post is obviously out of touch.

    Rather than investing in fixing a minor issue you are killing a critical feature your customers love and something that made you stand out from the competition - what a crazy (stupid) business decision.

    I guess we'll have to start looking elsewhere, along everyone else on this comment thread from the look of it. As this feature clearly isn't something you see as important can you let us know which of your competitors have it so we can use them instead?

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    waveuser123waveuser123 Member Posts: 3

    As others have said, this is twisting words to say, "We took away a feature a lot of you rely on, but it's good for you." You also did this when disallowing users to split work and personal transactions from one account. To me, this is now a trend of you not listening to user feedback. This is why I stopped using Wave. I don't care if an app is free if the creators don't listen to or care about users.

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    HossHoss Member Posts: 2
    This is a terrible decision by the company how will this make my life easier. It was so convenient to use the app to upload receipts and then merge them after. Now I have to wait to upload my receipts I’ll the transaction pulls from my account. I have purchase a years worth of booking keep from you guys to make my life easier this is a set backwards and I’ll will be seriously looking for other softer ware for my accounting. Please reverse this decision!
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    ehanusaehanusa Member Posts: 4
    :( like most people that have posted a comment here, this is really unfortunate news; as the OCR capabilities and emailing receipts and the ability to scan a receipt immediately is a huge feature for using Wave. Deleting or merging duplicates was extremely easy to do and getting rid of these features, where we would now have to wait for imported transactions to come in to wave, is a huge step backwards. Hopefully you pay attention to your customers and their comments and choose to rollback this decision or at least have both options available.
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    MarianroseMarianrose Member Posts: 2

    I would be willing to adjust to these changes if it weren't for the Integration Issue with Capital One. In addition, my small bank cannot connect to Wave, so once a month I manually upload my statements, and now I will have to physically sift through a month of receipts to manually connect them. And let's be honest these receipts likely be lost since my staff can't just snap a picture of them and throw them away now.

    I get it, it was frustrating to have to merge duplicates....but it will be more frustrating having to manually match everything and keep track of hundreds of receipts.

    Wave--every time you rollout something new, you're increasing my work. This is not an improvement for those who have integration issues!

    edited March 31, 2021
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    pmk856pmk856 Member Posts: 4

    The recent changes clearly point to the fact that Wave only wants to deal with people who import their transactions. The manual entry process is a nightmare (no good hands-on-keyboard flow) and now we have to manually create transactions for receipts that used to be a quick picture and toss the receipt. Maybe they could look into partnering with a receipt app and give us back this functionality.

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    wavedudewavedude Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I wish our country could be as unified as your customers about this bad decision and the inauthentic way it was announced.

    For those interested, I'm checking out Sunrise which seems like it has a potential as an alternative and includes app uploads and email uploads.

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    nana4taynana4tay Member Posts: 4

    Awful decision. The functionality in Receipts was what brought me into the Wave ecosystem and it's incredibly useful.

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    cardsfancardsfan Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    99% of my receipts come by email to my mobile email app. All I did was take a screen shot and send it to wave by email. Than assign a payment account and expense category. This process took less than 15 seconds. Now it is not clear at all what I will do with my emailed receipts... but it will sounds like it will be less efficient. Wave should consider using the forum to make proposed changes and get feedback.

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    TheJustinTTheJustinT Member Posts: 1

    Does sound like a PR spin. We need to be able to upload receipts on demand as we receive them, not days later.

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