Balance Sheet

NewbeNewbe Member Posts: 1
Hello, I currently have 4 soon to be 5 businesses on Wave. I can't seem to figure out how to add a liability(Loan) and asset(value of my property) to the balance sheet. The 4 I have on here are existing so that's not helping to get going. When I add them they go on my P and L too. I saw somewhere about adding a bill. I've tried that and still managed to screw that up. My quarter reports are in good shape. Its just the balance sheet! I apologize for the long explanation.
edited April 14, 2021 in Accounting Technical Support


  • Gabriel_KrozkinGabriel_Krozkin Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    Hi @Newbe

    It is an GL Account that you are trying to Add? or just a Asset (Debit value of your property) and Liability (Credit Loan).
    Either way, probably the best way would be a Journal entry in this case.

    How to do so: Accounting --> Transactions --> (Top menu) More --> Add Journal Transaction

    You can add it here (Debit and Credit)

    Hope this helps.



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