
Bulk change customers

RaizRaiz Member Posts: 1

Hi, I am new :) am looking to understand how to start a bulk change for customers when I am in the "Transactions" page. These said customers give donations not payment, so I have no reason to create invoices for them. This is for a church.

Can someone please give me direction? Thanks!


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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Raiz !

    Welcome to Wave, we're excited to be a part of your entrepreneurial journey.

    To clarify, are you looking to change the customers linked to your transactions in bulk? If so, you can categorize, apply taxes, delete, edit, and review your transactions in bulk but you cannot change the assigned customs in bulk I'm afraid. Instead, you will have to change the customers tied to your transactions manually.

    edited April 21, 2021
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