
Showing a Bill to and Ship to in Invoice for drop shipping products

Visionarmor1Visionarmor1 Member Posts: 1

Does wave allow you to enter both a bill to and ship to address on an invoice? Also can you print packing slips from the invoice? I may need to cancel this as I have many customers that purchase product from one location but it ships to another branch ect. Also packing slips should always be attached to shipment parcel. Any info on these two major issues? Thanks!


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Visionarmor1.

    It's not currently possible to have two addresses for a given client or to print packing slips using Wave. Wave is designed with businesses who offer a service in mind, and as such, features like this one aren't currently a priority. It's not impossible that a feature like this could one day appear in Wave, but it is not on the roadmap for now.

    If you would like more information on how we choose what feature to build next for Wave, I recommend reading this article.

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    InsightInsight Member Posts: 5

    @Visionarmor1 said:
    Does wave allow you to enter both a bill to and ship to address on an invoice? Also can you print packing slips from the invoice? I may need to cancel this as I have many customers that purchase product from one location but it ships to another branch ect. Also packing slips should always be attached to shipment parcel. Any info on these two major issues? Thanks!

    I too just spent over an hour loading clients and vendors and creating my invoice template.. Why would RBC send me an offer to join when wavedoesn't do a simple thing like packing slips. Inventory tracking would be nice.

    There should be a warning on your title page who this app would not work for. JMHO

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Insight.

    I understand your frustration. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    We are working with RBC to ensure their team can give the best advice regarding Wave. I'm sorry to hear you've had a bad experience, we'll be following up to ensure better communication between RBC representatives and their clients about which types of businesses are the best fit for Wave.

    Wave is built with businesses that offer services in mind. Folks like consultants, writers and so on. Because they represent the largest portion of our users, we tend to prioritize building features that support these business' needs. You can read a bit more about this here.

    We do hear you and will be taking steps to avoid this miscommunication in the future.

    edited May 15, 2018
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