Saving a Default Message

headTrixheadTrix Member Posts: 7


Enjoying your app so far, but every time I send an Invoice, the message area is blank. It doesn't have a checkbox to make it my default, or at least remember what I wrote previously. Everyone wants their Invoices and messages to look professional, and we want to get back to paid work. Having to type Dear "' and Please see your Invoice below, blah blah, and adding some instruction, a nice closing sentence and of course our name, company name, tagline, logo, etc. but its time consuming to have to type it everytime. This seems like an easy fix and a great new feature! Please adapt.



  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @headTrix !

    If you'd like to customize your invoices, you can definitely do so by heading over to your Settings > Invoice Customization page. From there, you can set a default title, footer, subheading, notes/terms, etc. To learn more, click here.

    However, if you are looking to set a custom default message, I'm afraid that we don't offer this functionality at this time. What you can do as a workaround is save an invoice message "template" on your end so you can copy and paste it for all your invoices. I know this might not be ideal but it may suffice for your needs.

    edited April 26, 2021
  • headTrixheadTrix Member Posts: 7

    Hi @JulianP

    Thanks for helping out here. Although your response is helpful and enables me to add notes under each Invoice.... it still leaves me with a blank message when sending an invoice to clients. So then I have to type

    "Dear Client,

    Thank you for registering with headTrix Training!

    Here's your Invoice for your upcoming Training Class!

    We appreciate your business,
    and we look forward to teaching you a bunch of cool stuff!

    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Thank you!

    headTrix, Inc.| Adobe Certified Training & Consulting
    310.450.0122 |
    Consulting | Design | Development | Training"

    We need a place for a default Message to the client along with our company signature.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @headTrix , currently the message that you send out with the invoice can't be customized to a default message. The best workaround is what Julian offered above or copy and pasting a message in when you're looking to send.

    Happy to pass your feature idea along to the team though so they're aware we have a user asking for this!

  • headTrixheadTrix Member Posts: 7

    Hi, thanks for your message. This seems a bit silly, no? Seems like a pretty easy (and VERY MUCH needed) feature to add. Your app is good... lets make it GREAT!

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