New Transactions Page Layout

HolCarHolCar Member Posts: 20

(Reposting here as I may have posted it in the wrong forum, since I have had no response from Wave)


Not sure why Wave had to break what was working fine, but with the new update to the layout in the Transactions page, a couple of things broke.

First: Why is Uncategorised Income/Expense no longer highlighted in red? It was of HUGE help to be able to spot these transactions real quickly.

Second, I have accounts and invoices in foreign currencies. I can no longer categorise the income/expense because the option is simply not there. To clarify:

I have an account in USD where I have the payment recorded. When I try to categorise it, the option to "Pay for an Invoice in Wave" does not display at all (the topmost option is "Transfer from a Bank Account"). How am I going to apply this payment to the matching invoice, both in the same currency (USD)? I tried adding the payment manually from the invoice, but then it doesn't let me edit it because it says that transactions done automatically in Wave cannot be edited.

There's a very old adage that reads something like: "If it ain't broken, don't fix it". Well, the old transaction page was not broken, yet now it is.


edited April 22, 2021 in Accounting Technical Support


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @HolCar !

    When it comes to the uncategorized income/expenses, they are no longer coloured in red and are now underlined instead. If you are issuing invoices in a foreign currency, you'll always need to record foreign currency payments directly on the invoice. Foreign currency invoices can't be paid from the Transactions page. I suggest checking out the Help Center below for a bit more insight into this.

    Just so you know, our Accounting product and development teams have been keeping a keen eye on the customer feedback we have received regarding our new transactions page. I wanted to let you know that more updates and improvements will be rolled out in the near future to provide a smoother user experience. We appreciate you take the time and reaching out about this.

  • HolCarHolCar Member Posts: 20

    Thank you for your reply, @JulianP

    Yeah, we noticed that it's no longer red. And if you guys took the time to read your users' comments, you'd see that mostly everyone is complaining about this awful change. The red highlight was a HUGE visual help whereas the underlining gets lost in the bunch. Honestly, I'm under the impression that you guys do not really care about your users' experience. This should have been changed back to red a couple of days after the ill-fated change. Or at least, give the users the option. Honestly, the first alternative is a change of a couple of lines of code. The second one is a bit more complicated, but nothing out of this world.

    Thanks for the link for foreign currencies. This is also another awful no-feature. What's the logic behind allowing me to record a payment manually from the Invoice/Bill page, but not associating a transaction already there? Even if it were different currencies, this is not rocket science, but in this case, it's not: it's a USD payment from a USD account for a USD invoice/bill. If that's too much to ask, at least allows us to edit that manual payment, so as to copy all the info that came in the import.

    Whoever is in charge of the implementation of these basic features should quit. Honestly.

    I have enjoyed Wave in my +1 year using it and it has served me for most of my needs. I'm pissed, not because it cannot serve all of my needs, which is understandable, especially for a free product, but because my needs are so basic that I can possibly think of a reason why you guys make it so complicated.

    Thank you for your time.

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