
Bank is Connected But NO Transactions Are Importing

FlourishPsychFlourishPsych Member Posts: 2

Just started using Wave.

Successfully connected AMEX and all transactions imported without a problem.

Successfully connected bank accounts and the two I need to synch have the toggle ON for 'Automatically import transactions into accounting'. However, it's been an hour and nothing has come over.

Am I suppose to wait days?

Or is there a problem?


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    KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi @FlourishPsych , I've taken a look at this on my end and it appears that you currently only have one account connected for transactions imports. If you'd like to connect additional bank accounts for transaction imports, you can follow the steps within this Help Centre article. Usually, your transactions will import within 2-3 days from the last transaction in your bank, but this depends on how quickly your bank can prepare the transactions for import. In rare cases, this can take up to 7 days. If it's been longer than this, please reach out to our Support team via email and we can investigate this further for you.

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    FlourishPsychFlourishPsych Member Posts: 2

    I have many accounts with my bank but only ONE I need to import. The import never happened and it's been about 10+ days. Wondering if its because its a credit union? do I need to contact the credit union? I had to upload the data manually and perhaps I'll need to always do this? disappointed the data wouldn't import on its own.

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @FlourishPsych !

    I'm sorry to hear that you are still experiencing transaction import issues through your bank connection. The fact that you are using a credit union won't make a difference compared to a traditional bank. Since Wave partners with Plaid to handle bank connections, we may need to escalate your case to them directly. So we can take the appropriate escalation steps, please submit a ticket request to our Support team at your earliest convenience. They'll gladly look into this for you.

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