
Receipts not calculating tax

MGDMGD Member Posts: 6
When I review uploaded receipts on the app, both tax rate and subtotal are not automatically added. When I manually select the tax rate applicable it calculates as 0 unless I manually add the subtotal first. This can be a bit annoying as some receipts don’t show the subtotal. Is there a way to change this?

When I first started uploading receipts I think it was automatically calculating the subtotal so not sure if this is something I have somehow changed?


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    MGDMGD Member Posts: 6
    (IOS 14.5.1 and previous version)
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    KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey again @MGD !

    I've just responded to another post of yours, but I'm writing here to address the question about tax rate calculations. I'm afraid that there isn't currently a way to change this, because taxes are calculated from the sub-total. This means that, if the sub-total is 0, or an empty field, the taxes will also be 0.

    That said, if there is no sub-total shown, what you can do is post the receipt to accounting without entering these fields. Then, on the Transactions page, you can select to Include sales tax, and choose a tax. This will add sales tax to the transaction, as calculated from the total amount!

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