Reconciliation - Start and End Date

RobSmithLDRobSmithLD Member Posts: 2

I’ve been in touch with Support, but haven’t received a satisfactory response. Perhaps the other users have found a solution.

I have an amex card that cycles on the 21st of the month. In Reconciliation I can enter an end date of 3/21 and a balance, but the numbers never reconcile as Wave is looking from March 1 to March 21. I have no way of including all of the transactions from February 22 thru February 28.

This basically makes the starting and ending balances on my statement useless. How does anyone reconcile their accounts if their statements don’t cycle on the first of the month?


  • Finn_KingslandFinn_Kingsland Member Posts: 19

    Wave doesn't actually care all that much about the start of your month, @RobSmithLD, it only checks the balance on the date you mark as that last day and compares it with the balance you give it. If it doesn't match, it lets you know. The only part where it'll force the 1st on you is if you click the reconcile button when the numbers don't match. It'll bring you to the Account Transactions report set to a date range from the 1st to the date you put it. You can, however, change the start of the date range on your report manually.

    This just adds one step to the process if the numbers don't match up. Otherwise, it shouldn't make any difference. The only number that matters for reconciliation is the balance on the date you pick.

  • BuSolBuSol Member Posts: 3

    Hi have this same problem. However when I try to set the end date it give me the following error:

    The month and year of the end date doesn't match those in the URL.

    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @BuSol.

    I'll answer your other thread. In the future, you can just post once for one given issue. Your admin team reads everything that's posted on the Community and one of us will get to you as soon as we can. Thanks!

    edited June 26, 2018
  • LeilanieLeilanie Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I accidentally did not select the correct statement end date when I wanted to start my recon for November, is there any way I can go back and select the correct date? Or is it possible to correct your bank statement ending balance if you put it in wrongly?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Leilanie . You can delete a date or add a new one at any point within the reconciliation process. If you click into the drop down menu of your account and hover over the specific period date, a little window will pop up with a pencil icon next to the amount. Click the pencil to edit or delete the period.

    edited December 13, 2019
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