Transaction balance

Mikeps21Mikeps21 Member Posts: 1

While entering transactions in accounting, I noticed that the balance of my cash on hand account does not reflect the change with income and expenses. Also, it says that the last transaction was 4/11/2018. Today is 4/19. Can someone help me with this problem or am I doing something wrong.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Mikeps21.

    Can you give me a bit more information on what you mean? Are you missing transactions that you had entered? Could you have just accidentally changed the account for some of your more recent transactions?

    If you see anything that looks out of place, could you take a screenshot and share it?

  • TonyaSTonyaS Member Posts: 4

    Hi @Alexia

    I have the same problem - Accounting - Transactions - I enter an Expense and the total on All Accounts doesn't change after the input of the new Expense. Even if i enter an Income it doesn't change the Total on All Accounts. I do not make use of connecting to any Bank and do the inputs manually. I tried several times and had to delete the transactions that doesn't change the Total on All Accounts and waiting for the problem to be fixed.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @TonyaS.

    Can you try clearing your browser's cache? It might help. If it doesn't, can you take screenshots of that page as is, and another one of the same page with a new expense, so that we can see the amount next to All Accounts that isn't changing?

  • TonyaSTonyaS Member Posts: 4

    Hi @Alexia, what is the email address i can send it to please. Not comfortable posting this on a community wall.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @TonyaS.

    Since the payment for that expense is Owner's Investment/Drawings, it represents an expense for your business you would've paid out of pocket. This would not change the amounts of any of your accounts.

    Can you tell me what you're trying to represent in the real world? I'll be able to offer a different workflow. If this is money that's being taken out of the business by the owner, you would choose the account from which you are taking money out of as the account, and Owner's Investment/Drawings as the category.

  • TonyaSTonyaS Member Posts: 4

    Hi @Alexia, do not know what is different now as I entered income and expense under Accounting - Transactions and it always changed the All Accounts amount - now it doesn't. There is something seriously wrong - the amount on the All Accounts reflects as the bank balance per bank statement - i do manual input and do not connect to my bank account. Super frustrating :-(

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @TonyaS.

    The account at the top of the drop-down list was changed from the first payment account (alphabetically) set up in your Chart of Accounts to Owner's Investments/Drawings. All you have to do is make sure that you choose the right account when you enter a new transaction.

  • TonyaSTonyaS Member Posts: 4

    Hi @Alexia, that is where the problem was - under type of account is was on Owner's Investments/Drawings instead of Cash at Hand - must remember to use my glasses the next time. Thank you for your assistance :)

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Always happy to help!

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