
Changes in the Receipt Experience

sheilamstrongsheilamstrong Member Posts: 2

I have several people who make purchases for my company. What I love about receipts@waveapps.com and the Receipt App is that as soon as the purchase is made, the purchaser can upload the receipt without fear of loosing the receipt. I have 6 people who purchase items and they immediately upload the receipt using the email or the app. Then I link those receipts to the transaction. Now that these features are going away, I have to try to collect receipts from each of my staff and upload them myself. Also, I have to wait for the bank account to sync before I can upload the receipt or I will create a duplicate. I know this will result in several missing receipts and a ton of extra work for me. I am extremely disappointed and I would pay money to keep the app to save me time and money for lost receipts. Please can you reconsider?

edited June 3, 2021 in Accounting Release Updates


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    BusinessOwner123BusinessOwner123 Member Posts: 3

    I second this! I am severely upset about the lost features as well. I would also pay.

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    midwest_kcmidwest_kc Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    This exact same complaint has been made multiple times. The problem is, they don't care. They would rather make things difficult for the majority in order to save some OCR fees.

    The funny thing is, most people would be happy with a compromise to leave the app and get rid of the OCR, which would reduce the fees while using the tech that they've already spent the money to develop.

    I'll stick with Wave the rest of this year, simply due to the hassle of changing mid year. Hopefully they rethink this "update" before then so I don't have to look for another provider.

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    trimkyndatrimkynda Member Posts: 1

    I can't even add a receipt to the transaction.

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    KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hi @trimkynda ,

    Could you explain exactly what the issue is here that's preventing you from adding a receipt to a transaction? To clarify, you should be able to do so by going to Accounting > Transactions, opening the details of a transaction, clicking on the Receipts tab, and uploading the file.

    If you're seeing an error message, a screenshot of this would be helpful too!

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    haltzhaltz Member Posts: 1

    I think what they are trying to say is you destroyed an amazing feature.

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    FlexyManFlexyMan Member Posts: 1

    I am a UX/UI designer and this new "Transaction" feature is horrible. You cannot do that with the web app while you still can upload and RECOGNISE receipts from the mobile app. Bad UX work guys. This feature was the main power of the WaveApps for the customers who just upload the data for accountants. The new "feature" is a pain. Would be great to have it back.

    edited July 6, 2021
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    AdjustNYAdjustNY Member Posts: 2

    Please bring back the Receipts App!!! Thank you in advance.

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    AndrewM602AndrewM602 Member Posts: 3

    It looks by this thread that the receipts as we knew it will no longer be back. I just finished my year-end and I have to make a decision to move to another package. Since I am using Wave payroll I am paying every month for the use of this package so moving will not cost me anything more.

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    sheilamstrongsheilamstrong Member Posts: 2
    This change has completely disrupted the way I operate. I have so many lost receipts now since my staff can’t upload a picture after they purchase it. Now they give me the receipt (if they don’t lose it first) then I have to scan it, save it, and wait for it to hit my bank account and sync. Then after it syncs, I have to try and find the saved receipt to match the transaction. I will be switching to a different service January 1st.
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    jchazojchazo Member Posts: 6

    Has anyone found the out how to best use this new function? Asking for ideas on a best practice method for handling receipts.

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    dofzindofzin Member Posts: 11

    The best solution I've found is to use Expensify for receipts management and reimbursement. It's unfortunate that Wave discontinued email receipt handling (and that Wave suggests the upload/drag and drop receipt feature is a sufficient substitute in all cases). I agree with others that I could live without the OCR feature (if I wanted that, I'd be using Expensify anyway). It would be trivial to let users email a receipt and have it show up in an "unattached receipts" area in Wave, and when attaching a receipt to a transaction downloaded from bank, the user could simply choose one of the "unattached receipts" (or upload/drag and drop as works now). It's still an extra step to create the JE for the Expensify expense report, but there's less chance that receipts get lost that way. (If Expensify integrated with Wave the way it integrates with QBO we wouldn't even be having this discussion.)

    For those who (threatened to and followed up and) moved to a different option, what did you choose? Certainly nothing beats Wave when it comes to price and basic features for small companies.

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    BevnewsBevnews Member Posts: 3

    I agree with the others that the old receipts feature was especially useful. In addition to things getting lost, the new one makes a lot more work for the person who actually handles Wave. In particular, it would be nice to revive the email receipts feature.

    WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW, if Wave isn't going to change the way this works, is how to integrate Wave and Expensify.

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