
Bank Transaction Details

johnnyrainsjohnnyrains Member Posts: 1

First of all, this app is awesome.


When I import transactions, or they are imported automatically, there isn't much detail; where I see "Interac purchase" on Wave, I see for example "Tim Hortons" on my online banking transactions listing.

Is there any way to get more detail?

edited August 29, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    MaryCassMaryCass Member Posts: 8

    Hi Johnny! Your transaction descriptions should match whatever is written as a description for your bank statement. Can you compare the description column from your statement to the one in Wave? Banks usually have other columns (like the name of the vendor) which wouldn't show up, I think.

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    noxigennoxigen Member Posts: 9

    I have a similar issue causing wire transfers to not show the full detail from the bank feed. This makes it impossible to match a payment with an invoice unless I log into the bank and match up to the full detail there.

    Wave shows the first 5 fields in the Description column, but the other 5, including the ORIG field which shows the customer's name, are missing. If you have several transactions for the same amount, then it's a pain to try and reconcile. Automatic rules would help (if Wave had them yet!!!), but they would be useless without the full detail.

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @noxigen thank you for the feedback, and I definitely agree. We're looking at other ways to get transactions in from the bank, and we're also working with our third-party banking data aggregator to see how we could bring in more information. Part of the problem lies in the ways different banks format their data, which can lead to certain items being missed in the connection. But I agree that automatic categorization would help, and I can confirm you'll be seeing a function of that nature soon!

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