WAVE downloaded old transactions

HeatherAnnMHeatherAnnM Member Posts: 2

Our books were all perfect as of 1-1-2021. A few days ago we logged onto WAVE and it had downloaded transactions from 2019 and up.

What happened? and Why? Any help is appreciated.


  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @HeatherAnnM ,

    I've taken a look into this, and I can see that these old transactions were imported on June 4th, when the connection was turned off, then on again. When re-connecting, it's likely that the date to import transactions from wasn't selected, which means Wave defaulted to import transactions from as far back as possible.

    If you don't wish to have these transactions in Wave, feel free to delete them using our bulk delete tool. Please be careful not to delete any transactions which you do want, as these can't be recovered if deleted!

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