Wave no longer seeing ALL business accounts


I have 6 business accounts with separate business checking accounts at Wells Fargo. All of them were synching and working until a day or two ago. Now, only one of the accounts is synching and WAVE doesn't even see the rest of them. I have tried multiple times to connect the errant accounts but each time I go through the process (successfully as far as credentialing is concerned), the list of accounts does not include ALL of my Wells Fargo accounts.


  • AllisonPeckAllisonPeck Member Posts: 1

    I am having the same problem with my Wells Fargo Business account. I have been using Wave for 2 and a half years and now (starting a week ago) wave is not syncing with my business account. It only sees my two personal accounts. I tried adding Wells Fargo as another connection and the same thing, only the two personal accounts are listed and potential accounts to sync.

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hi @RWVNRAL and @AllisonPeck , please see my comment here explaining the current issues with connecting Wells Fargo business accounts.

  • RWVNRALRWVNRAL Member Posts: 6

    Do you have an update about this issue?

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