
New Mobile App for Time and Expense - Integrates with Wave!

tidlapptidlapp Member Posts: 4

Meet tidl, a simple, intuitive time and expense reporting solution seamlessly integrated into Wave Accounting.

  • Record your hours and submit directly to Wave as a new invoice and / or export to a spreadsheet for inclusion in status reports.
  • Record project expenses and submit directly to Wave as a new invoice and / or export to a spreadsheet for easy detailed reports.

You can learn more and sign up for our mailing list on our website at https://tidlapp.com/  


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    AndyReynoldsAndyReynolds Member Posts: 7

    This could be useful if it includes the OCR functionality that Wave recently decided to kill despite howls of user protest. But before I sign up for anything, your web site needs to say who you are, who owns you and what you stand for. No more betrayals.

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    tidlapptidlapp Member Posts: 4
    Definitely interested in your feedback. Our initial goal was to allow people that bill hourly to have an easy way to record their time and translate it seamlessly into an invoice. The process for expenses is similar so our initial release will cover both. As for OCR, I assume you would be looking to scan a receipt and have it automatically pick up the date, the vendor, and the amount and then let you pick what expense account to apply it to? Does that sound right?
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    Peter1234567890Peter1234567890 Member Posts: 4

    that sounds right, will you provide this OCR feature?

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    tidlapptidlapp Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for the reply. We will add it to the list of enhancement ideas.
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    MrEstebanMrEsteban Member Posts: 1

    Will the app be free? Where are you based?

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    tidlapptidlapp Member Posts: 4

    Thanks for the questions. We haven't decided on a pricing strategy yet. We're based in Chicago IL.

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    jfsjfs Member Posts: 3

    Hello Tidl, I have been trying to reach you to disconnect the app from my Wave account but have yet to receive a reply from my query via your website's contact us form. After trying it out we determined that the app is not for us. Please tell me how to disconnect it. Thank you.

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