Bank Reconcilation

Bruce_UMZ1Bruce_UMZ1 Member Posts: 5

trying to do this bank recon whoever when I click Reconcile the box with the amount and date comes up. The date is never the month end date but rather 1 or 2 days before - everytime I try change the date is reverts back to 1 days less that I entered. Would this have something to do with Time zones - rather frustrating . I am in South Africa
Any suggestions


  • Bruce_UMZ1Bruce_UMZ1 Member Posts: 5

    Work around is i type in the month end balance for say 2018-03-31 but i type in the date as 2018-04-01 - and save - system changes the date to 2018-03-31 and bang it works - not ideal but resolves the issue

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Bruce_UMZ1.

    Because of the way the bank reconciliation system deals with time zones, this can happen. In essence, that page assumes the time zone is EST and that can cause some problems. We're working on resolving that, but in the meantime, you can also get around it by changing the time zone on your computer to EST while you're doing your reconciliation.

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