Lost information

MalcolmMalcolm Member Posts: 1

I have been using wave for about a year now. I logged in the other day to invoice a client and all my accounts have gone. All information lost. Has this happened to anyone else or know how to retrieve the lost accounts?


  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi @Malcolm ! Thanks for reaching out. The integrity of your data is extremely important to us, so I'm sure we can track it down. :) What's your business's name?

    When I've seen questions of this nature arise in the past, most often it is because a new account was created inadvertently when you logged in, especially if you've logged in with a username and password in the past but have recently opted to log in using Google.

    You can find steps to locate your original account here in our Help Center. If following these steps doesn't help, please follow up and @Alexia, myself, or another member of our team will jump in.

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