
Invoices Without Payments Options

smithiealum01smithiealum01 Member Posts: 3
I want to send invoices to clients that do not have the option of paying online. Just a simple invoice. I have disabled the option of credit card and bank payments but when my clients open their invoices in email the option of paying via credit card or bank payment is still the first thing they see.
How can I send my clients a simple invoice that can be paid directly to me?
Thanks for any help you can give me.


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    mikebryce1mikebryce1 Member Posts: 2

    hi there, im facing the same cheesy problem, were you able to figure it out?.. its not a professional look when sending an invoice, in my opinion

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    tmc3tmc3 Member Posts: 1
    I agree; think it would be most beneficial to be able to subscribe to bookkeeping services as a whole more so like traditional QB desktop service; and not just a invoice only charge. that way; waveapp is financially benefitting as well as customer doing invoice... i think there is money being left on table on both sides of equation.
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