
Upload Products Errors

BossCandi81BossCandi81 Member Posts: 1

So this is the issue I am having and I am unable to figure out how to fix it...

ERROR: Expense Account name is not unique in Wave. This record will be skipped.

Some of the accounts were archived so I am sure that may be what's causing the problem. But the other issue I am finding is I am unable to locate the archived items to either delete or unarchive them!!!


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    dacklanddackland Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 25 admin

    Hi @BossCandi81 ,

    Sorry to hear you're having trouble using Wave Connect. I'm able to encounter this problem by archiving an expense account and using that name in the upload form.

    I've created a ticket for our team to investigate further. Unfortunately I don't have a timeline for a fix at this point.

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