Bug - Can't create/update customers with certain provinces.

Hi folks!
An integration I have set up to create customers/invoices/transactions has failed when trying to create a customer in Russia including the province field. Here's the error that thrown: Node could not be found.
I can get around the problem by leaving the province input blank. I've tried it through website as a normal user and the error "Whoops! We couldn’t load this page
Wave encountered an error. Please refresh the page." appears no matter which province I select. It works when I leave the province field blank.
Seems like an internal bug, and I'm worried it might also be present for other country/province combinations as well.
Here's the full response:
{ "errors": [ { "extensions": { "code": "NOT_FOUND", "id": "ed3000de-852e-426d-9fbd-53b2124cc166" }, "message": "Node could not be found.", "locations": [ { "line": 1, "column": 43 } ], "path": [ "customerCreate" ] } ], "data": { "customerCreate": null } }
Hi @SBenoit , thanks for bringing this to our attention. Would you mind sharing which province(s) are showing the error? We've come across this issue a couple times in the past, and unfortunately, there's not a quick fix. This issue is on our radar, but unfortunately, I don't have a timeline currently.
Hi @dackland,
Well, I decided it's easiest to just test all of them to see how pervasive the problem is, and it turns out it's pretty bad. I've created a public Google Sheets list of all the country/province combinations that are returned from your 'countries' GraphQL query and whether there was an error when creating a simple customer with those details. I'm surprised I haven't run into this before as it's an issue for 34.5% of the 3,996 combinations. And of course, none of the 80 codes in Russia worked.
Here's a link to the list:
20210817_Wave Country-Provinces Errors
I understand that there isn't a timeline to get this resolved, but I'm hoping it becomes a priority based on this list as it's more than for just a handful of provinces.
Hi @SBenoit ,
Thanks for putting this data together. I was under the impression the errors were relatively rare and happening with uncommon provinces, but this data certainly points to it being more prevalent.
We'll take a closer look in the coming weeks to see what options we have.
Hi, just looking for an update on this as it happened again recently for one of my clients' integrations. Thanks!