
Tax Function

BradBerghBradBergh Member Posts: 7

We used to be able to see whether we had accounted for tax (VAT) on each transaction line. Now we have to open each transaction line to see whether tax on the transaction has been accounted for. Why was that removed? It makes no sense!


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    VerEntArVerEntAr Member Posts: 1

    Agreed!! Takes so much more time to double check. Please remedy.

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    robertstamrobertstam Member Posts: 2

    Yes, totally agree. I used to be able to scan the transactions and it was obvious which ones I had missed.

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    Benny_AdminBenny_Admin Member Posts: 1

    +1 on this.
    I have previously added Sales Tax to a transaction, and then not saved it when I have moved on. The Sales Tax fell off the transaction. Previously it was obvious given you could identify it in the transactions page... but now you have to drill into each transaction.
    Why did you change that? Please change it back.

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